It’s Go Time!

The time has come. Or is coming.

The paperback of On the Dotted Line will be released on March 18th! Whoa!

It’s actually happening. My debut novel- out in the world! I think with all the preparations and editing and everything, I’ve sort of lost the magic of how monumental this accomplishment is. Two years ago, I never, ever intended on publishing a single story or even letting anybody read anything I’d written. And now here I am…about to release it into the wild!

Being a full time author has always been this unattainable, out-there dream to me, and it still feels that way even with a release on the horizon. Just because I’m publishing something doesn’t mean it will rocket me to the top of any bestseller’s lists. Marketing is work and I’ve heard you need to do a stupid amount of it to make much of a difference in revenue.

I’m not excited about that aspect of this whole thing. I don’t know anyone who would be, honestly. But it’s sort of necessary to make the publishing part of it worthwhile. I’m pretty sure I’ll never be comfortable asking strangers to buy my books, but I guess I don’t have a choice!

So this week and next, I’m attempting the marketing thing. I’ll be doing a Cover Reveal on Friday, as well as sharing the Blurb/Synopsis and the very first page. On release day, I’ll be hosting a giveaway as well, so look out for that y’all!

If there’s anything you could do for me, dear reader, it’s to leave an honest review. When I say “honest” I don’t mean brutally honest- I mean respectfully honest. I can’t fix a problem I don’t know about, so constructive criticism is welcome, but it also would mean so much to me to know what you liked about it too! Reviews, in some cases, are the best indicator of whether a new reader will take a chance on a debut author. So I would be honored to have a review by those of you who read it. And hey, if romance isn’t your thing? No big deal. Just following me on social media is enough to spur on my gratitude!

Speaking of gratitude, THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by. Feel free to reach out to me on social media and sign up for my monthly newsletter.

Happy Cover Reveal Week!


On the Dotted Line


Sick and Tired