When The Stars Align

Have you ever had a moment like that? When everything just comes together exactly as you had hoped?

I had one the other day.

My 3 and a half year old daughter (we’ll call her H) was diagnosed with Autism back in May and it’s been an uphill battle to get her the services she needs. Ultimately, she need forty hours a week of therapy, which is a lot. We do have a clinic nearby for kiddos like her, but the waitlist situation has been a nightmare (and COVID has not helped any). But finally, last week, she got a spot at another branch of this clinic, located more than an hour away. I know what you’re thinking. How is that the stars aligning? Well, it definitely wasn’t. I was not thrilled to drive 2 hours + at least three days a week while also getting her older sister to and from Kindergarten. But I was willing to do it, because we’ve been waiting so long to get into this clinic, and time is of the essence when it comes to intervention. I resigned myself to being in the car all the time, and filled out the intake paperwork.

THEN, are you ready for this? THEN the intake lady emails me and says she and her team were looking at what would be needed for H to been seen at this clinic more than an hour away, and decided that instead of having us commute to that location, they would have a behavioral analyst commute to the one nearby to see H. To the the clinic near us that I’ve had every one of my hopes on.


And I cried. I cried before I even got halfway through that email. Because when it comes to your kiddos, you want the very best. Especially in H’s situation, where she needs extra help in all areas. It may be another year before she can learn how to speak even a few words, but I have so much faith in that little munchkin. With the help she needs, I know that one day we’re going to be able to know what goes on in her sweet head.

So, whatever stars you’re wishing on, I hope they align for you. And I hope that when they do, you realize that all the struggling and waiting before it was worth it.


Sick and Tired

