Upcoming Events

I just updated the Events tab over there and realized that WOW I’m doing a lot of things! Farmer’s Markets will be keeping me busy, but there are other things happening too in the Montevideo area. A couple special things are the Squid Fest in Granite Falls in September and then in October I’ll be doing a library tour! Am I crazy and absolutely 1000% dreading speaking in front of people while also simultaneously wondering if anyone will even show up? Yes. SO MUCH YES.

The reason I’m good at writing is because I’m no good at speaking. I’m way too shy and introverted to do anything else in this world but write. However, when opportunities arise…well, it would be dumb to turn them down just because they involve (gulp) public speaking… As always, wish me luck in my adventures out in the wild.

Other than booking events way outside of my comfort zone, I’ve been trying to kick some butt and get this story done. My official deadline to submit to my editor is September 1st, which I think it definitely doable. If I go the simple route, I have five more chapters and an epilogue to write. If I hunker down I could get that done in a single week (as long as my children cooperate, that is). I’m really looking forward to this cute holiday story!

After I’m finished with it, I’ll be launching into a new story with the hopes of publishing it late spring. I can’t decide whether I go with Rhys’s story or a brand new one. We’ll see what compels me the most when the time comes!

Happy Summer,


The End

